Hunan Electric Power ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 105-111.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-0198.2024.04.015

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Research on Route Planning of Adaptive UAV Inspection Considering Sag Variation of Transmission Lines

ZHANG Li, ZHOU Xueming, SHEN Yu, YAO Yao, FENG Zhiqiang   

  1. State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company Limited Research Institute,Wuhan 430077,China
  • Received:2024-04-22 Revised:2024-06-14 Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-09

Abstract: At present, UAV based precision inspection does not consider the influence of temperature on the sag of guide ground wire, which is difficult to operate in field and low inspection efficiency. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes an adaptive UAV inspection route planning technology considering the sag variation of transmission lines. Based on catenary equation, vectorization analysis and calculation are carried out on the point cloud data of the classified transmission lines, and the vectorized transmission lines have been obtained. Based on the discrete point data generated by interpolation, the waypoint spacing is calculated according to the camera parameters, photo distance, overlap rate and other parameters of the inspection UAV, and the adaptive UAV inspection route is generated. The flight test of patrol route with adaptive sag change of the transmission line is carried out. The test results show that the autonomous patrol route planning can be carried out by fully considering the sag change of the wire caused by temperature change, and the appropriate photo distance and photo overlap rate can be set, the texture and defect of guide ground wire can be clearly identified, and the image of overhead transmission wires and ground wires can be collected autonomously, completely and efficiently.

Key words: UAV, overhead transmission lines, sag, flight route, precision inspection

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