Hunan Electric Power ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 93-99.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-0198.2024.04.013

• New Technology and Application • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A Passive Retrofit Method for Mechanical DC Circuit Breakers in Converter Station

WEN Yicheng1, LI Hong1, CHEN Gang1, ZHANG Chaofeng1, WEN Zhonghua2   

  1. 1. State Grid Hunan Extra High Voltage Substation Company, Changsha 410004,China;
    2. State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company Limited Hydropower Company,Changsha 410007,China
  • Received:2024-04-22 Revised:2024-06-17 Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-09

Abstract: To address the complexity of the control and protection logic execution process and the high cost of device maintenance in mechanical active DC circuit breakers, the paper proposes a design method for passive transformation of mechanical DC circuit breaker in converter stations, which simplifies the logic related to DC circuit breakers in the control and protection system, cancels auxiliary disconnecting switches and charging devices, eliminates the need to build a reactor, and provides the required inductance by the stray inductors on the transfer circuit conductor. The upgrading of capacitors in accordance with the passive system design not only shortens the switching current conversion time and reduces the surge arrester conversion energy, but also improves the service life of capacitors and greatly reduces the DC circuit breaker failure rate. Finally, a DC system simulation platform is built using MATLAB/Simulink, and the simulation results are consistent with the theoretical analysis, which further verifies the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed DC circuit breaker passive transformation scheme.

Key words: mechanical DC Circuit breaker, passive transformation, control and protection system, auxiliary disconnect switches, charging equipment

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